I am AMAZED!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Thank you!! Thank you!! Thank you!! Thank you!! Thank you!!
You guys are amazing!!! I would be typing forever if I reply to everyone so I thought I would do one post. I didnt mean to create a scene but I am glad for so many people that came to my rescue. I hate bullies and I guess that is really what this person was. I figure if I can survive chemo then I can survive the stupid remarks that some people throw my way. All because I used the word "skinny"??? or because they cant imagine being skinny??? dont know....I do know this....Our kids are sooooooooooooo looking forward to going to the water park this summer and having me and brian there. We have never been because of our weight but this summer we will be there!!!! Our daughter is so excited for me. She keeps telling me that now we will be able to share clothes and that when she buys something she will keep in mind if I could wear it too. So.....to you who thinks that what I am doing is wrong...I invite you to my home to see how I live, to see how this will affect not only me but my family also. I also invite you to all my doctors who agree that this is the best decision I could make. You can also go to disneyland and WALK beside me (you have to pay your own way). You can buy my scooter from me because I wont need it anymore!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Because I will be SKINNY!!!!!!!!!! hah....that felt good!!....Oops...this was meant as a thank you. The way everyone reassured me and stood by me is amazing I am so glad that I have this kind of support and I will be forever gratefull. Thank you sooooooooooo much
Good for you!!!!!!!!! I can't even tell you the list of doctors that I have for the problems that I have, and EVERY single one of them, were so happy that I did this surgery. Life only gets better and better, you wait and see, and then you can tell me that I TOLD YOU SO!!!
Hugs, Diane (whoisalwaysskinnyinherhead)
Annette, it's so great that you got your date. I am so happy for you... =) Diregard the "negative Nellies"...they are just unhappy with themselves and have to bring everyone down to their level. Rise above, as you have and be proud that you are doing what's best for your health. Congrats on beating breast cancer. That, in itself, is an awesome accomplishment. Getting healthy and "skinny" will be your next. =) Sending you ((((huge hugs)))).
~Katt~ Obesity Help Support Group Leader
Sexy isn't a look, it's a state of mind. ~Me~
How people treat you is their karma; how you react is yours. ~Dr. Wayne Dyer~
Girl you made me cry. I love that you are doing this for your family and for yourself. All the reason you talked about, WOW! how could anyone think you where do it for the wrong reason. IF that is wrong, then why would you want to be right.
I can not wait to hear all about your water world trip and d-land. Sharing clothes with your baby. WOW.
Love ya you soon to be SKINNY girl